This is
M E 

Dear Reader,

          My name is Greg. I was born and raised in Georgia. Not Atlanta, it was a town on the border of Alabama and Georgia. Upon my High School Graduation in 2010, I had be accepted to a small prestigious Music Conservatory and moved to Boston to pursue a career in performance. I went to College for two years, and found that I wanted more for myself. I packed up and moved to New York City in September. Since then I have worked a bit in film, however the parts of my life that I enjoy most and find myself responding to the strongest is the culture and the pace of life in this city.
          I have a theory: Earth is the only planet in the universe with known life form. On earth, the ultimate country with biggest opportunities and is most desirable is the United States of America. Within the United States, what is the best city? New York City! And what is the center and heart beat of New York City? TIMES SQUARE! Making Times Square the center of the Universe. I live a mere eighty-nine blocks (or five train stops) from the center of the Universe.
          Walking the streets day to day in this wonderfully cultured town, I find myself endlessly staring at strangers, interactions, amazing scenery, wonderful skylines, stunning window displays, restaurants, store fronts, museums, theatres, music venues and fashion! It is undeniable that this city has a lot to offer any one. As far as my career? I would say I am an Amateur Everything, and a Professional Human, hyper analytical? perhaps.
          As far as this blog? Here goes nothing...

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